Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good Morning!!

It hasn't been too long since my last post... ;)

Today I want to share with you the amazing things that have been happening in our lives lately. With words and with pictures.....

Kevin and I surprised Hannah a couple of weeks ago by showing up at Spear's Barb-B-Que and Grill in Linville Falls (her *family* owns it) on a Sunday for lunch. She literally had NO CLUE we were even coming!! You should have seen the look on  her face!! (I would show you a pic if I had taken one!!)

Her in-laws were working on the grounds planting flowers in the flower beds, hanging baskets and anywhere else they will fit. I cannot tell you how gorgeous their gardens look. But I can *show* you!! Here are a few random shots that I took while there that afternoon....


Snowball bush...

Not a flower or bush. But HOW COOL is this?? A birdbath with some cool ground cover in it. 

Wild Azalea....

On Saturday, May 7 a few of us from Trimont got together and had a scrapbook day. After all it was NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY!! {always the 1st Saturday in May!!} When I get together with other ladies at a crop I *never* get anything done!! Well I surprised myself and made this mini-album!! I have had this bird, chipboard album for a few months waiting to use it for these particular pictures. I LOVE how it turned out!! 

The pictures were some b&w's of Hannah in her wedding dress before she got married. Gorgeous!!

We {at the school} had our annual Walk-a-thon to raise money for the school. It is the biggest fundraiser of the year. It was warm that day. {May 13th} Can you tell that the 2 yr. old teachers were pretty much done by this time??  ;)  I would post some pictures of the kids but, even though this is not a social site, I don't want to post them without permission. All in all we had a BLAST!!!

This is Hannah at work...

Yes, she works in a bar. Well, actually a restaurant that has a bar. She is good at her job!!

This is Hannah and Whitney. It was the Sunday afternoon we surprised Hannah by just showing up in Linville Falls. Whitney is a Sweetie. She works at Spear's.

I always take pictures while driving in hopes that no one will see me. {I think Kevin thinks it's just like texting while driving.}
Here are a  few  taken on my way home from work over the past few weeks. Hope y'all enjoy them!!

That's about it for now. Enjoy the pics! Will hopefully add to this blog again and again.........

Love y'all!!  Nite nite!! 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A link to a wonderful BLOG!!

Hi all!!

I have a blog that I want to share. It's celebrating it's 500,000 visit with a BIG, HUGE, CELEBRATORY GIVEAWAY!!!

Go have a look!!!

Love y'all!
Nanette  <3